The Epithet Shrine

Change log 🌟
  • 26/03/24-Started page, added links
  • 13/04/24-Added intro, fancied up the headings, added cast photos, added "How Rick's intro changes his vibes"
  • 01/05/24-Added some fun gifs
  • 02/05/24- Added My Merch section
  • To be added 🌟
  • Being your own wrecking ball - A theme anaylsis
  • The importance of being silly
  • Character profiles
  • All the twitter updates
  • Epithet Erased is an indie series based on the creator’s (Brendan Blaber's) homebrewed tabletop roll playing game. Set in a world where one in every ten people is born with a word etched into their very soul called an Epithet that gives them superpowers, the story follows Molly and her friends as they navigate down-to-earth everyday troubles of grief and family conflicts blown up to absurd levels by the supernatural forces that control their world.

    Because the story switched media part way through I've seen a few people struggling to keep up with where the newest content can be found.

    As such consider this your walk through of all things Epithet in story order.

  • Season 1
  • Prison of Plastic audiobook
  • Jello's Patreon (The Art Book, all character sprites, and parts of the upcoming TTRPG can be found here)
  • The Soundtrack
  • The Offical Website
  • Psst... theres some secret links hidden in the images on this page... can you find them?


    I love Epithet Erased and I love Anime Campaign and I love comparing Epithet Erased too Anime Campaign and seeing how the adaptation changes things in order to tell a cleaner more tightly written story. What do we gain? What do we loose? And how are those things justified? And the question I want to ask today is

    How does Rick's earlier introduction change how first time viewers perceive his relationship with the Neo-trio?

    When PoP first came out there was some buzz online around people being creeped out by Rick in the earlier half of the book. His overbearing personality, his persistence, and the children's obvious discomfort around him naturally made people a little nervous in a way that I didn't see people being when he interacted with the kids for the first time in AC despite him acting in much the same way. Why?

    The answer, I think, lies in timing. In Epithet the kids are the ones who pull Rick off the beach and bring him home, they are the first people to interact with him and he is therefore a stranger to both them and the audience who do not know what to make of him yet. In AC its different, he is instead picked up by Stan Goldstein and Noah Finway, members of a news team who take him in and make him one of their own (and also adopt him and Sylvie but that's a different thing), these adults are who Rick has his first adventure with and so when he eventually does meet Team Little Girl we the audience know we can trust him. This change in meeting place also massively changes how the characters interact with each other. In PoP Rick tags along because he's alone and vulnerable, putting the responsibility of his health and well being on the kids in a way that, while not necessarily Rick's fault he is half dead, can be seen as inappropriate and unfair especially with how persistent he's being about becoming close with them. Where as when he meets them in AC he is meeting them as a mentor and babysitter, hired by Pheonica's parents to help with magic and witch killing. In this scenario he is the one taking on the responsibility of looking after the kids and he clearly really cares about doing this job well and ensuring they don't have to suffer the same childhood trauma he did, hiding some of the grimmer parts of the adventure from them so as to protect their innocence a little longer. This also handily justifies his not leaving them alone, of course he's following them around its his job too, of course he really want to be friends with them he's their babysitter, and though the kids are still wary of him it's in the same way teens might roll their eyes at a chaperon.

    So the next question is, if Rick's introduction in AC avoids all the pitfalls he falls into in PoP why change it? And the answer to that is simple, because in AC Rick and the kids don't meet until episode fucking 6.


    Let me run that by you again, most of the final party does not meet until 6 6-8 hour long episodes into a 9 episode series. This made even worse by the fact that the people who originally found Rick have been cut from the series and even if they hadn't he still wouldn't have been introduced at all until act 4.

    Epithet simply does not have time for that, you can't be introducing main characters that late in the game in a book series and so Rick needed to be introduced earlier and in the such a way that had him meeting and interacting with other members of the main cast as soon as possible, a slightly wobbly entrance was just a price that had to be paid to ensure that.

    Ramsey plushie

    My first purchase. I wasn't an adult when the first few runs of the plushies were going on and therefore didn't have control over my finances, but I'm an adult now with my own money that I get to spend on sleazy rats if I want to!

    If I remember correctly this plush was designed by Speyerboot as part of a poll to decide which characters would get a plush next. They did a really good job, Ramsey is in my opinion of much higher quality than the plushes that came before him especially in the face. Giovanni never really looked like himself.

    Key Chains

    I had these 2 commissioned a little while back. Dixon here was drawn by the lovely Tibbycaps, while Cali was done by Michelle Ramos. I want to get the rest of the prison gang done like this but I'm holding off on that for now.

    California Slim Plush

    Ain't he a stinker. Expertly crocheted by the brilliant HanagurumilT on etsy, they did a wonderful job on him including his little hat. I'd link to them here but they appear to have closed up shop o(TヘTo)

    The Prison of Plastic audiobook

    I been worried for awhile now about PoP only being available digitally. what with all the issues of media on streaming services becoming lost because of higher ups, if Soundbooth ever went down there was a possibility that PoP would go down with it.

    It seems Jello and crew were aware of this concern aswell, so when they put out a physical copy I just had to have it for preservation.

    Also its just cute, look at it, like a little VCR tape. Delightfully quaint, and it's nice to get a closer look at the sprites for all the toys on the front cover. I think I've seen a few of these fellas before (¬ω¬)

    It also came with this cute insert.




    IN THIS WORLD, a lucky few are born with special powers based on a single word. That word is called an "epithet."

    Each epithet is linked to the user's soul, and no two people have the same one. By tapping into their word, epithet users the inscribed- can do amazing things that ordinary people -mundies- could only dream of!

    After a long week of dealing with criminals, wizards, and panic attacks, 12-year-old Molly Blyndeff returns home to the toy store her family owns and operates for some much-needed rest. Unfortunately, her superpowered older sister, Lorelai, has other plans in mind. After a nasty argument, Molly and her friends end up trapped in a world created by Lorelai's epithet, "Augment." Now they must travel through her wonderland in order to confront Molly's bratty older sister... and the only weapon they have at their disposal is Molly's considerably less intimidating epithet," Dumb." The road is fraught with danger, with everything from ogres to spelling tests standing in their way... but the thing both sisters are most afraid of is the idea that they might never be close again.

    Prison of Plastic is the official continuation of the beloved web-animated series Epithet Erased, which can be streamed in its entirety on YouTube and VRV. This sequel is the story of two sisters in a broken home struggling with their magical powers, themselves, and each other.



    CAST (in order of appearance):

  • Dani Chambers - Molly
  • Bryn Apprill - Phoenica
  • Elsie Lovelock - The Wolf
  • Siv Ryan - Trixie
  • Kyle Igneczi - Giovanni
  • Caleb Yen - Crusher & Flamethrower
  • Meg McClain - Spike
  • Cyrus Rodas - Dark Star & The Hexicon
  • Wyatt Baker - Car Crash
  • Brendan Blaber - Naven, Ben, & the Narrator
  • Keith Silverstein - Graham
  • Tiana Camacho - Lorelai
  • Scott Frerichs - Valet
  • Sarah Wiedenheft - The Chauffeur
  • Ray Chase - Rick
  • Zack Maher - Sylvie
  • Jay Preston - Martin
  • Jay Barrett - Xerxes
  • Marissa Lenti - Stink & the Ogre
  • Paul Guyet - The Spelling Bee
  • Kent Williams - The Scaregrow
  • Cassie Ewulu - The Ghost Crow

  • Music by PLASTERBRAIN SFX design by Kennedy Phillips
  • Mix by Brendan Blaber
  • Recorded at Sound Cadence Studios
  • Lead Engineer - Wyatt Baker
  • Assistant Engineers - Patrick Morphey, Sawyer Pfledderer, Lindsay Roberts, Natalie Van Sistine Artwork by Bo Hello and Cameron Ax
  • Epithet Erased is conceptualized, created, and produced by JelloApocalypse.

    Soundbooth Theater was in no way involved in the writing, recording, or mastering of this series; in this very unique case, we are but humble distributors.

    Cassette Design by Susan Shorter

    Interested in reading the ebook?

    Head over to JelloApocalypse's Patreon where you can grab the PDF for just $10!

    Waiting on delivery

    Molly and Giovanni Figures


    It's about time I had something for these 2 in my collection and, though I'm not the biggest fan of Youtooz regular base their quality can't be understated, so I'm certain these more unique figurines will be up to the same standard.

    Besides at least they aren't funko.

    Change log 🌟
  • 26/03/24-Started page
  • 13/04/24-Fancied up the headings, added Slim shrine, added intro
  • 14/04/24-Added Homework section,added Dixon's homework, added Jericho's homework, added misc homework, added Slim and Al homework
  • 15/04/24-Put Homework in collapsible sections
  • 16/04/24-Added Meryl's homework, added Guile's homework
  • 19/04/24-Added Noah and Robin's homework sections
  • 01/05/24-Added onto homework sections, added some fun gifs, added promotional images section
  • 03/05/24-Added onto homework sections
  • 04/05/24-Finished up the home section, for now at least. Maybe I'll check twitter at some future point.
  • To be added 🌟
  • Everyone can be redeemed, but not everyone will be- A theme anaylsis
  • Tearing Naven a new one
  • Character profiles
  • Homework sections
  • Why you should watch Red Stitch Report
  • Anime Campaign was a real play ttrpg series that was ran on the Surprise Round twitch channel by Brendan Blaber and a rotating cast of his friends. Each session was a one shot story and would feature a new cast of characters almost everytime (disregarding returning NPCs) as slowly each disparate story would weave together to tell one overaching plot from many differnt perspectives

    This manner of storytelling allowed the creators to show the narratives not just of a few select people, but of a whole community standing together and building on each other's progress to defeat a threat that sought to rewrite the very nature of their world. Though being almost entirly improv, as most real plays are, means that the show was quite rough around the edges, it was filled to the brim with passion from all parties involved that makes AC shine despite it all.

    While I do agree the EE is the more polished and technically superior way to experience this story, and respect the author's desire to avoid your audience being spoiled for your upcoming show, I still believe that the original version has charm and value that should not be erased or hidden.

    Therefore until the rest of the series is uploaded in its entirety to Jello's youtube channel in the same way episode 1 and 2 are (and perhaps even after) I will continue to link to the archived version of these videos.

  • Anime Campaign Archive
  • How to play Epithets/Anime campaign Google Doc
  • AC 1 official
  • AC 2 official
  • Anime Campaign's Jukebox
  • Anime Campaign ep 0 recap
  • Look at my awful son

    Read my headcanons about them here

    Check out the California Slim Discord Server

    Quite a few characters backstories are never explored on the show, but were explained on the player's social media. Obviously it's very easy to loose these bits of information so I've collected as many as I could find here. Especially with the Anime Campaign board being deleted from the offical Surprise Round discord recently (and with it any information the players might of shared there) I find this to be especially important.

    I'd like to take a moment to thank Sarahanndipitously for being the one to ask the questions that lead to alot of this information being published in the first place. You'll find alot of the source links here lead back to their tumblr blog, I'd recommend checking out their fanfic while your there it's really good.

    If you have any info (with evidance of a player saying it) not included here, drop a line in my guestbook bellow

    Dixon Roughouse 🌟

    Source coming soon, I saved these images ages ago


    As for Dixon I have a ton of info but some of it is spoilery so of course I can only tell you so much!

    Being a Roughhouse he actually used to be a real big rascal and got into lots of trouble in school and general young thug shenanigans. It was only after one fateful breakfast with the family where he connected too many completely unrelated dots and spiraled face first into conspiracy land.

    He's the biggest of the Roughhouses being 6'3′′ and built like a brick shit house from all that scrapping he used to do.

    Dixon's character inspiration is a direct combination of Dale Gribble, Steven Hyde and a third thing I can't remember right now! (whoops!)

    He spends his days decorating his home with good old newspaper clippings and red string out the wazoo trying to connect the dots behind the Bushido Blasters and their relations to Bliss Ocean.

    It should also be noted that his home is a van. A COMPLETELY UNSUSPICIOUS "JOLT CLEANING SUPPLY" VAN.

    Aside from being a nervous wreck and complete mess of a guy he's pretty positive and friendly (WHEN HE'S NOT IN JAIL) and would be super loyal to anybody who gains his trust. Which is nobody! He probably doesn't have any real friends. Also he's great with kids and probably wanted to be a youth counselor before he went allwhackadaisy.

    All in all Dixon is super fun to RP and I love him a lot!!! Thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble on about him!

    The aforementioned "fateful family breakfast"



    Oct 17, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    whats ur opinion on dixonXryatt. i think theres potential there. ryatt helped dixon meditate. what more do you need in a ship


    Oct 17, 2016

    They're buddies for sure, canonically there's probably nothing past that but I'm not gonna deny the fans something they want if it doesn't cause problems! Basically, go for it cus I don't mind Imao

    jelloapocalypse Oct 17, 2016

    I think Dixon swings both ways and Ryatt prefers men, so that could probably happen, but Ryatt definitely likes the party animal types and also I think Dixon is just too anxious and suspicious for Ryatt. He needs a chill bro who likes to have fun and not give a shit. He does like spontaneous people though, so Dixon has that going for him.

    #Anime Campaign #Dixon Roughhouse #Ryatt

    Jericho Felocity 🌟




    Re: A Couple Questions.

    Today at 2:59 PM

    Hiya there, Matt here! Thank you very much for your kind words! I hope that you enjoy the rest of Thrilling Intent ^^

    So, first things first: I'm afraid that Jericho doesn't have a very elaborate backstory! He does have a bit, however, which I'll be happy to relate to you. Please feel free to tweak the details or add/remove content as you see fit!

    So, Jericho was orphaned at a pretty early age. He remembers his parents, but just barely. He was put in an orphanage shortly after and spent much of his early childhood there. As soon as he was able to stand, he enjoyed nothing more than running, climbing, and jumping.

    It was something he could do even within the sparse confines of the orphanage, and he quickly found that he was VERY good at it. He tired of living at the orphanage when he was 9 or 10, and absconded onto the streets, where he quickly gained some small fame as a courier of incredible speed and efficiency. It wasn't long before he fell in with some criminal- types, who recognized his talent and wanted to use it to make a quick buck. What followed was a string of small-time robbery that quickly escalated into locked-room heists that left the authorities baffled.

    But Jericho eventually realized that he was running with a bad crowd, and made the decision to become a solo act, so to speak. There wasn't any actual malice in his crimes after that point: no deaths, few to no injuries, and crime scenes that left investigators scratching their heads raw. For Jericho, it was mostly about the challenge that a given heist presented, about proving his skills and making some money in the process. He did his best to never go after a target that would legitimately harm someone, physically or economically.

    However, Jericho accidentally ran afoul of a large crime family when he stole a ruby they had their eyes on. The crime family sabotaged his next target: a shipment of prewar silver. When Jericho attempted the heist, he found himself in a locked steel vault with no hand or footholds, complete with an anti-epithet coating to the walls. He still has nightmares to this day. Given his long string of fairly high-profile robberies and heists, he was placed in the Lochdown.

    Jericho has had his epithet since birth, but only became skilled with it in the second half of his life (12-24)

    I hope that helps! Please feel free to add on if you have any interesting ideas.

    Cheers, Matt

    What I find intresting about this is Jericho is a mundie, where has all this epithet talk come from?! Either Matt forgot (I'm not sure how long after the game was played this email was sent) or there's something funky going on with Jericho that we never got to explore.

    Personally I like Jericho actually being just a super weird mundie better, it's more intresting that way.

    California Slim and Alctraz 🌟



    warpedlamp Sep 3, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    Okay so I've spent a lot of time watching Anime Campaign recently and I have a question about Slim (my FAVORITE character by far) I don't know if you mentioned it and I didn't hear, but why does Slim hate people with epithets?

    I never said it in campaign but the reason why he hates epithet users is because his little sister was killed in a careless scuffle between two epithet users. When that happened it dawned on him clear as day the epithet users were too powerful to controlled within any means of the law so he figured the world would be a nicer place and a safer place without them.

    #anime campaign #anon #ask lamp

    13 notes



    warpedlamp Jul 30, 2017

    anonymous asked:

    since Slim is officially fucking deadTM i need to ask... if nothing bad had ever happened to Beverly and he stayed an okay person, how would the whole heroic epithet work? what kind of abilities would he have had?

    I figure Slim basically worked the way that Al does. He probably had the ability to manifest a suit of armor to be a proper "knight in shining armor" to whomever he was protecting. His skillset would probably revolve around self sacrifice, throwing himself into attacks, protecting others with reckless abandon. That sort of thing.

    #anon #ask lamp

    9 notes



    warpedlamp Sep 23, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    Okay. So what happened to Slim's ear? (Also

    That's just something Jello tagged onto his design.

    He probably lost it while fighting someone whose epithet was "Wolves"

    #anon #ask lamp #anime campaign

    14 notes



    Hey lamp, question in regards to every ones favorite bat wielding garbage hose and his ghostly tin can. How connected are they? Does Al have memories prior to what I assume to be a violent expulsion from Slim's self, Does Al feel what Slim does or at least have a general sense of whats going on in his head at any given point in time or is he essentially a completely separate being on a 25ft leash?

    "favorite bat wielding garbage hose and his ghostly tin can"

    Good description.

    I image the situation goes something like this Al almost certainly has retained Slim's memories from before his being was split in that patented Slim way, regardless of if Slim remembers or not. The two likely have some kind of empathetic link with one another, but I think it'd be more because they are both super obvious to read and have spent a fair amount of time bound to one another. That being said Al has no real way into Slim's mind, if he did I'm sure he'd be a lot more active in preventing the serious amount of murder that Slim commits.

    #hope this answer clears it up for you #and for whatever it is you're cooking up #fingerguns #nikodraws #ask lamp #anime campaign

    14 notes



    warpedlamp Oct 18, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    Sorry if this is a bother, but do you have any idea how old Slim was when Beverly died?


    I'd say he was on the cusp of adulthood. Probably about 17 or so.

    #never apologize for anime campaign questions #anon #ask lamp #anime campaign #california slim

    10 notes



    warpedlamp Oct 19, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    can Al do the ora ora?

    Al can do anything that he believes he can do.

    #never give up hope al #anon #ask lamp

    5 notes



    warpedlamp Oct 21, 2016

    ballastmcgee asked:

    Wait, while reading that Fanfic of Slim and Al I had this thought. Is Alcatraz based off Alphonse Eric? The similarities 1. Ghost(ish) 2. Suit of armor body 3. Try to keep their older, more hot-headed counterpart from hurting people. (Alphonse only has to prevent murder when "small" is said tho)

    The similarities are entirely coincidental. Al is a ghost knight because I like knights and wanted one of my character to have a stand.

    #justhereforthe-gifs #ask lamp #anime campaign

    7 notes



    warpedlamp Nov 27, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    hey i was wondering something about California slim, was AL always following him or was his creation a more recent thing

    Al wasn't always following Slim but his existence isn't exactly recent either.

    Al manifested around the same time when Slim went off the deep end and decided to disregard his epithet in favor of murder.

    #anon #ask lamp #california slim

    3 notes



    warpedlamp Nov 27, 2016

    davrial asked:

    If by some SEQUENCE of miracles, Slim became good again (because clearly multiple miracles would need to happen, one wouldnt do it), would Alcatraz cease to exist and be merged back into him? If so, would Slim remember any of Al's memories?

    If Slim were to clean up his act then yes, him and Al would be merged again. I would imagine that this would result in Slim taking up Al's memories as well.

    #davrial #ask lamp #california slim #anime campaign

    7 notes



    warpedlamp Dec 15, 2016

    sarahanndipitously asked:

    Hey! I was wondering if you could answer a question I had about Slim? (The likes of which may or may not be for the purposes of writing something). So what's the deal with his parents? It sounds very vague, but I was just curious, because it's a subject that was never really mentioned, and If he was 17 when Bev died, I'm kind of curious to see what his parents were doing at that time. If you've explained this before, I apologize, but I couldn't find it. Thank you, and have a good day!

    It's not something I've ever mentioned, nor is it something I've really thought about until now. I feel like, for whatever reason, Slim's parents weren't really around very much. Not dead or anything, just for their own reasons the both of them were out of the house constantly. Probably working multiple jobs to keep their family afloat, something that would have made him the primary caretaker of Beverly for a large chunk of his life.

    So I imagine they would have been doing much of the same around when she died.

    That's all I really got for ya.

    Hope it helps.

    #sarahanndipitously #ask lamp #anime campaign

    19 notes



    warpedlamp Mar 8, 2017

    anonymous asked:

    So what was the whole fiasco with Slim & Bliss Ocean? Does he like them, or ...?

    Slim likes Bliss Ocean for the wrong reason. He thinks that their stance on epithet users lines up nicely with his own and that they are super cool with him murdering epithet users in their name.

    They were very decidedly not cool with that.

    #anon #ask lamp #anime campaign #california slim

    11 notes



    jelloapocalypse Sep 1, 2016

    heavysplatling-remade-blog asked:

    I've been attempting to draw Slim from your anime campaign for a while now and it s just impossible. Why do you make amazing characters who I cant draw. Come on man...

    If it makes you feel better, Siv (Dixon's player) designed Slim (and drew this picture). She's a better artist than me so it looks like both of us have trouble drawing him!



    rooby Jan 12, 2017

    Felt like trying out some different colors and stuff and Slim is pretty fun to draw.

    Slim could probably pass off as a cool guy who is not a serial killer if he tried.

    warpedlamp Jan 12, 2017

    Slim would be a pretty handsome guy if he cleaned himself up

    And if he cleaned up his act

    And his personality

    Basically he should be less of a garbage bin

    jelloapocalypse Jan 12, 2017

    ALCATRAZ: Slim dear, you're going out on the town! At LEAST comb your hair!

    SLIM: Shut UP Al, you're not my mom.

    #Anime Campaign #Roob #California Slim #You're a cool dude drawperson

    100 notes

    Cal and Al's stuff is alot more scattered and decentralised then anyone else's, makes it all the more important to catalogue.

    Alot of fans seem to think Slim's real name is Calvin Hills, but I can't even find any evidence that his sister's full name is Beverly Hills so that's probably fan canon. I think it would be funnier if California was his real actual name, but Calvin is a pretty safe guess, it also let's me shorten it to Cali which is fun.

    Meryl Lockheart 🌟



    warpedlamp Sep 24, 2016

    everythingurealms...ts-deactiva asked:

    Hi Lamp! I was wondering if you'd be willing to tell me all about Meryl (Meryll? Maril? I'm terrible at spelling?)! What inclined her to join the force? Wy's she so nervous and trigger-happy all the time? Whats her Tragic BackstoryTM? :D

    Meryl (you had it right the first time) joined the force because...well she didn't really want to be a cop. Meryl always wanted to be a doctor, or a surgeon, or really anything that would let her heal people. Meryl has a long history of destructive clumsiness, not really assisted by her "excitable" nature. Meryl thought that the best way to undo years worth of damage to others would be to prevent years worth of damage, catch a disease before it's fatal, surgically remove x from y, do a real service to mankind. That plan naturally didn't work out too well, she tried her best but between trying to make sense of medical jargon and the constant fear of failure, she flunked out of med school. So her next best option was to try and become a cop. That still worked, she could still improve people's lives, change the world for the better, etc etc. It's much easier to become a cop than it is a doctor, and with what little medical knowledge she picked up she manage to facade as a medic. Technically it's a crime to masquerade as a doctor but is it really a crime if someone is doing it so they can be a cop and change the world? Yes, but Meryl isn't going to accept career failure twice.

    As for why she's so nervous, she just kind of is. When you spend your life being referred to as a natural disaster you begin to fear the outcome of everything in your life. After a while she adopted the mentality of "Sure things will probably work out for the best but since I'm involved it's going to come crashing down around me." To put it another way, some people see the glass as half empty, some half full, and some fear that the water has been poisoned and would make for a real hazard if someone where to drink it so they lie awake a night worrying for the well being of someone who wasn't relevant to the question at hand and jesus christ why didn't I just say half full that's clearly the right answer you blew it again. (That's the in universe reason at least, out of universe it's because the mundie word I rolled for her was "Anxiety")

    #everythingurealmsposts #ask lamp #anime campaign

    18 notes



    warpedlamp Oct 12, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    Hello Lamp! I'm sorry to bother you, but I would like to know... what is Meryl's passive? (I have a player who made a character quite similar to her, who's a detective with a lot of anxiety. The only difference though, is that the character is a huge otaku.) I was hoping it may give me some inspiration.

    "Passive: First, Do No Harm - If you are the one who damaged a teammate, you can heal them for twice the damage you damaged them by with no stamina cost as a move action. You must be adjacent to the target to heal them." It never came up because I never rolled poor enough to hit my allies.

    #anon #ask lamp #anime campaign

    7 notes



    warpedlamp Sep 15, 2016

    badjokesman-blog1 asked:

    Ay Lamp, why does Meryl have a gun, she ain't a good medic so why would you trust her with a gun

    She's probably not supposed to have a gun either.

    #she probably bought it herself #badjokesman #ask lamp #anime campaign

    9 notes

    I would like the jury to know that the tumblr search function sucks ass and searching for the anime campaign tag on Lamp's blog returns nothing. I trawled through their entire fucking blog to find this information and I'm not going back through again to link to the exact asks they came from. Alot of the sources here just go to their blog, I'm sorry I'm not strong enough.

    Guile Manning 🌟



    What can you tell us Anime Goblins about the Monotone Riflemaster Guile Manning?

    Well for starters it's not a rifle, it's a handgun. I don't know what kind, and I doubt Guile does either.

    Guile Manning (if that is his real name) is, in the simplest description possible, a lying thieving jackass.

    Born with the epithet "DEFECTOR" Guile always viewed his options in life as extremely limited. The very nature of his existence is defined by earning the trust of others, then backstabbing them for personal gain. He always found it extremely difficult to make friends given the nature of his power, sure the process of earning the trust of others was extremely easy for him, but it always came at the cost of an inevitable betrayal. The constant emotional cycle wore Guile down real quick resulting in the emotionally dead and unmotivated mess of a person he is today.

    After a mountain of burned bridges, Guile realized the only thing that would make him happy is an empire to call his own. Doesn't have to be crime, doesn't have to be well organized, doesn't have to be anything but his. If Guile was the boss, there'd be no one for him to betray since he's in charge. That's how he figure it at least.

    Small problem though, he didn't want to go through the hassle. With a limited amount of time on god's green anime earth Guile figured the only way he could find happiness quickly would be to use his epithet to infiltrate a major organization, become the right hand man of whoever is in charge, and inherit everything when the big boss is found with a bullet in his brain. Unfortunately for Guile, his weapon of choice blows and Guile couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

    So Guile's life is generally an endless cycle of making friends, betraying them, and gaining no headway on his only chance at a shred of happiness.

    That's about all for his backstory, so here's some misc notes

    1) Guile very briefly worked with the Bushido blasters. Being a part of Giovanni's squad Guile quickly realized the Bushido Blasters would be a complete crap chute, shot Giovanni because fuck him, and bailed.

    2) At the end of Campaign O, Guile gave his gun to Molly (because it had not done any meaningful damage to anyone), got his epithet revealed by Charlotte because she was mad at Guile's attempted backstabbery, and jumped out a window (pursued by Giovanni)

    3) Guile is abnormally good with kids. He's a terrible role model, but he seems to have a genuine spot in his heart for them.

    4) Along with dreaming of having an empire that he didn't have to build, Guile also dreams of being able to have someone who doesn't give up on him after getting backstabbed by him. He thinks it's the only way he'll be able to maintain a genuine friendship.

    5) Guile hates fighting. Not morally or anything, he just dislikes putting his life on the line so he avoids it at all costs. Fights involving Guile usually go as follows.

    Guile cheap shots them

    Guile hopes they go down after one shot

    They don't

    Guile runs

    6) If Guile had a son he would name him Axel.

    7) Guile canonically pooped in a locker during the rp session for Campaign 0.

    #anime campaign #anon #ask lamp #guile manning

    17 notes



    warpedlamp May 5, 2017

    ballastmcgee asked:

    So Lamp, who'd win in a fistfight: Email Gunning, The Leg Aiming Nun, or Lame Gui Gnim?

    Implying any of them would ever get into a real fight and not just chicken shit out instantly

    #ballastmcgee #ask lamp

    7 notes



    warpedlamp Oct 20, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    Guile Manning's Outclass: A Bigger Gun. Guile Manning's Overclass: An Even BIGGER GUN

    He'd be truly unstoppable.

    #anon #ask lamp

    11 notes



    warpedlamp Jan 11, 2017

    castercerberus asked:

    Am I the only one who never noticed Guile Manning has the word "LIE" written into his ear? Oh don't worry, none of the players noticed until it was pointed out.

    Fun anime campaign tip, always look in people's ears. Jello likes putting words in them because it's dumb.

    #castercerberus #ask lamp

    9 notes

    Noah Finway 🌟



    sarahanndipitously asked:

    Hey Chula! I'm writing something and would enjoy some background on Noah Finway? If you've already cultivated a post that has this type of thing on it, you can just link it, but I looked for one and couldn't find it. Background, personality quirks, favorites. Literally anything is appreciated. Thanks!

    chulacabra Nov 25, 2016


    I think I've discussed her history a bit before, but she grew up in a family heavily rooted in the belief that you could be whatever you wanted to be! Her parents were super supportive and let her and her older sister, Nai, choose what they wanted. Nai became a chicken farmer. Nai didn't really like people all that much, and never considered herself to be terribly bright (though she IS super mature). So chicken farming seemed just right for her. She does a good job, been at it for awhile. Fairly successful. Noah, however, wanted to be a journalist.

    Noah fully believed she could do whatever she wanted, yeah? Since that's what she was raised on and big sister was successful. So why couldn't Noah, too? 'Ayy, well she made it through up to the end of college and got into an internship, only to be an absolute terror. She's clumsy and ditzy, to the point where Stan couldn't even entrust her with basic photocopying and fetch duties. So they put her on the one job that was nigh impossible to mess up: teleprompting.

    She's not bad at it, but from experience, it's kinda hard to be bad at it.

    Ineterestingly enough, about two months after the session, I hit my head really hard on a teleprompter. First bad head wound I've ever had. IRONIC JUSTICE!!! I have a scar now, but it was ridiculous and funny enough that I don't care.

    Noah's pretty friendly, and likes nearly everyone. Charles was one of those exceptions. She did not like Charles. But all in all, Noah's main motivation is proving herself worthy, so she's super eager to please and help out, even if it ends up disastrous.

    She's fond of snacks, and has grown really used to fresh farm ingredients thanks to her sister! She wouldn't be a terrible cook if she didn't have problems accidentally nicking herself with knives. Not a super picky eater. She's also 24 years old, woops older than she looks. Her favorite animal is a cockatoo!

    Other tidbits: When designing Noah, I described her hair as being "Easter green."

    #anime campaign #Noah Finway #reference #thank you chula!!!!

    24 notes

    Robin Stardancer 🌟



    Ayyyy, wanna give us the 411 on tiny optimistic Samurai child? :3


    Robin Stardancer (or Robin Ronin) is a 13 year old girl whom was born into a long line of expert samurai. Having always been a playful kid she discovered her epithet extremely quickly because no kid could ever knock her down, she never tripped, and she never faltered. Once her family realized that her epithet had the potential to make her into the greatest samurai in history they began training her in the arts of swordplay, but also the the arts of calligraphy and poetry as to make sure she'd be cultured as well as strong. Robin had no real objections to her situation, her life was well balanced with training, study, and fun so she had no real desire to stray off of her family's plan for her. That was until one fateful day when she was watching television at [SUE'S] house, the pair had been watching a reality competition show about becoming a pop star. One of the competitors on the show tripped and fell on stage and was highly ridiculed for her error, to which [SUE] commented that if Robin was a pop star she would never have to worry about falling on stage. And in that moment all of Robin's zen like training failed her completely because that one off hand comment opened the floodgates of possibilities in Robin's imagination. If she would never fall then that'd mean that she could become the greatest pop star in history! It made perfect sense to her. But she had already done all of this training to become a samurai, and she couldn't just throw it all away. The only reasonable compromise was to become the worlds greatest samurai pop star singer dancer. With her dream set in stone she told her family about her unorthodox change in career path and ran off into the sunset with [SUE] in hand before her family could pick their jaws up off of the floor. Lack of planning aside, Robin's training had appropriately groomed her to become both a singer and a dancer and she was quickly scooped up by a record company and become a ~star~*~*~*

    And that's about it. Hope this is a satisfactory amount of info.

    #anon #ask lamp #anime campaign

    24 notes

    Robin was a character from a spin-off campaign run by Lamp. I'm not sure where you can find the recordings of these episodes currently, they used to be on youtube but I think they got taken down, where you can see Robin again is in Red Stitch Report where they make a cameo apperance. Its a very good show again run by Lamp though it does have a significantly darker tone than mainline AC, highly recommend it.

    Charles Foxtrot 🌟




  • Charles is actually pretty young. She's only 22.
  • This is what Charles sounds like. (A/N: sorry I don't actually have the link for this anymore, maybe I'll find it later.)
  • She is the only Apple Corps Officer that started as a grunt and was promoted to that position based on skill. Zora and Moot were hand selected and Yoomtah was a founding member.
  • Naven has rearranged her memories so Charles sees him as a woman. It's... it's just easier that way.
  • Charles and Zora are gal pals and they actually hang out pretty frequently. At first Zora thought she was a huge bitch before she realized that Charles doesn't speak in that constantly-lilted tone on purpose, it's just the way she talks. Zora highly respects her combat skills. Charles considers Zora her best friend.
  • Charles has the second-highest epithet in the game at 250 proficiency.
  • Charles is actually incredibly talented. She created the fake tabloid she pretended to be working for in Adventure 4 from scratch within one week after she was assigned the mission and coded its web page just in case anyone looked it up.

  • She's an especially good writer and spends a lot of her free time writing fanfiction. She's infamous in online circles for her chapters and chapters excellent prose that suddenly turns god-awful any time romance is involved.
  • Charles' failure in Adventure 4 was the first time she ever failed a mission. Due to her failure and how mean everyone was to her considers that day the worst day of her life. Charles is based on an NPC from Pokemon Black/White. She's supposed to be a gender-swapped version of characters like Brock from Pokemon who flirt with everyone and never get any positive response, but taken to the extreme
  • #queuelacabra #anime campaign

    88 notes



    zestyzelda-deactivated20190110 asked:

    Was Charles meant to lovable and relatable as she was? Like. Like, her level of awkwardness just hit home.

    jelloapocalypse Oct 7, 2016

    Our hope was that she would be awkward and unpleasant for about 60% and then sometime in the last act the players would come to sympathize with herBut oops, no, they just verbally abused the shit out of her for 30 minutes straight

    chulacabra Oct 7, 2016


    #anime campaign

    41 notes

    Howie Honeyglow 🌟



    jelloapocalypse Sep 25, 2016

    mintymug asked:

    (Part 2 >.

    Meryl, Eros, and Percy are just regular police officers. Percy has some special merits because she's an architect and built most of the prisons by hand including the Lochdown, but she is technically just a cop.l can't go super far into Howie information in relation to Minerva yet but basically Howie's aformentioned swamp slum is the same one that Minerva and Marty lived in when their children were born. I personally see Howie as an orphan. He's worked really intensively in construction, infrastructure, and community-building fields since he was a little kid because no one else was making his community better so he just decided that he had to do it. Simple as that. Howie has basically been 30-years-old at heart since he was 6. Howie helped the Blyndeffs build up their first store (not the one they are in now, though he also built that one) and helped them get by for awhile. Because Marty is somewhat crazy (and Minnie knew that) she often ended up having Howie look after the girls. They see him as an older brother.Sorry if that contradicts Howiedad stuff you've set up. I guess you can have him be around if you want, but I can't imagine Howie's parents were never very involved with his life.

    #Anime Campaign #Howie Honeyglow #Molly Blyndeff #Milly Blyndeff #Sgt. Eros #Percy King #Meryl Lockheart

    58 notes



    jelloapocalypse Oct 6, 2016

    ballastmcgee asked:

    Jello I gotta know. *Coughs* Is Howie into _Bee-stiality_? I-Im sorry for having even typed this out.

    Howie: Normally "B" is my favorite letter but today it's "WHY"

    #Anime Campaign #Bee #Howie Honeyglow

    130 notes

    Mera Salamin 🌟



    jelloapocalypse Jan 29, 2017

    middingmouse-dea...ed2019030 asked:

    Would you mind telling a bit of backstory about Mera? She is my absolute favorite, and I've always wondered about her upbringing and life before officially being villainous. And you know, stealing epithets.

    Mera was born into a middle-class family and was pretty much sick and bedridden 24/7. A lot of people thought she would die, but she didn't, and she did as well as she could with her schoolwork given how rare it was for her to actually attend class. In her late teens she seemingly became well enough to walk and operate on her own. In reality she was in about the same amount of pain as she ever was, but she told herself it wasn't going away and she just had to make due. By this point in her life she knew what her epithet was, and she despised it. She despised her epithet more than anyone else in the world, more than Naven, more than Charles, more than Slim, and she would do goddamned anything to beat it.

    Mera began rigorously studying epithets and delving into research, determined to become as proficient as possible. She traveled far and wide, and at one point in her travels passed through Desert Country, passing out in the heat. When she came to she was in a monastery and being cared for by a large man named Indus. Once she learned his epithet, she challenged him to a fight and easily bested him. Indus vowed to follow her. This girl had defeated him so quickly, almost as quickly as his missing brother Moot. Perhaps with her help and training, she could help him return Moot to their monastery. Indus irked Mera at first and kept returning to him like a lost puppy no matter how she tried to shake him, but after some time he grew on her. Though he was sometimes too simple for his own good, she became fond of him for his loyalty and steadfast helpfulness. Mera had never connected well with other people given all her time in solitude, so someone as patient as Indus (or at least as thick) was a nice change of pace. She allowed him to tag along on her quest to grow stronger, though never prioritized his bizarre quest for his brother, not that she really remembered it since he only mentioned it the once.

    At some point 2 years before the start of the series Mera decided to test her strength in the first ever Regional Below Ceremony. The man in charge of the tournament had acquired the Gemini Necklace and was planning to use it on whoever won so that he could take their ability and become even stronger. Mera happened to be that winner, and narrowly saved herself, Indus, Dan Gansley, and Chuck Jones from the tournament head who was killed in their skirmish.

    Murder/Self-Defense Charge notwithstanding, Mera was pretty proud of her victory over someone. It was an important moment for her, and though that asshole did try to kill her his plan wasn't all that bad. She proposed the new group of losers she had assembled try the same trick the following year, though this time without trying to murder the winner. This mostly went well except that person got murdered also, putting Mera's murder count at two. Whoops. Now she's on the lam after Adventure 3 and is trying desperately to track down her necklace and get her extra powers back so she can feel strong again, even if it's only for a little while.

    #Mera Salamin #Anime Campaign

    128 notes

    Moot Tarbella 🌟




  • Moot is older than Indus but he's shorter.

  • Like Zora, Moot works alone. Zora is tasked with catching rogue epithet users and criminals Bliss Ocean considers public hazards that should be incarcerated. Moot is tasked with catching and killig rogue epithet users that are too dangerous to keep alive at all.
  • Moot doesn't like or hang out with anyone else in the organization. He just sticks around to keep access to their intel so he can fight more tough epithet users.
  • Moot's voice is based on Yusuke from Girlchan in Paradise. It's not a subtle reference, but in case you missed it, there you go.

  • Naven Nunuck 🌟




  • Naven is 30. He's actually the oldest member of Team Bad Guy even though you probably wouldn't guess it by looking at him.
  • When he's out and about he can see even with his eyes closed by reading the short-term memory of those around them. Naven and Yoomtah hang out at least once every day.
  • Naven does indeed ride a motorcyle.
  • He hosts IPC classes for free out of the goodness of his heart.

  • Yoomtah 🌟




  • Yoomtah is a cyborg, not a robot. Her arms, legs, heart, and part of her brain are mechanical, but most of her midsection is still human.

  • Yoomtah is 3rd in command of Bliss Ocean behind Naven and Xerxes.

  • Yoomtah came up with the idea for Toilet Apples Inc.

  • She and Xerxes hate each others guts but Naven considers the two of them his best friends, so they end up hanging out a lot anyways.

  • She doesn't sleep, but wishes she could.

  • She is the only person Naven will willingly open his eyes around.

  • Yoomtah also recieved a pilot the players didn't see: "Circuit Breaker". It's a tiny toy car that has broken out of its race track. This is a special card that allows players to break one rule openly per game.

  • Zora Salazar 🌟




  • Zora is 27

  • Zora joined Bliss Ocean because she likes fair tests of skill. Epithets give people random powers and throw everything out of whack. That's no fun at all. She thinks hard work and honing talent should determine who wins and who loses.

  • Zora plays Pilot Command. Her Pilot is "Sundowner." He's a 90-year-old sheriff wtih bad memory. She's pretty good at the game and would have entered the tournament had Haboo not distracted her.

  • Zora has no direct underlings in Bliss Ocean. She is a lone agent.

  • Zora and Charles are good friends.

  • I think Zora's epithet is the hardest one to guess in the whole game.

  • Misc 🌟

    This section will contain extra little bits of information that aren't currently big enough to warrent their own sections.



    Jelloapocalypse Oct 17, 2016

    Slim - 30 Ramsey - 23 Dixon - 27 Jericho - 24 Ryatt - 22 Indus - 24 Mera - 21 Dan - "Probably late 30s, but he's lived the lives of ten men" Tripwire - 37 Grapethroat - 45 Percy - 29 Howie - 24 Moot - 24 Yoomtah - 28, but technically 6? Zora - 27 Naven - 30



    warpedlamp May 5, 2017

    anonymous asked:

    who would win in a fistfight: Dan Gansley (the embodiment of failure), or Vertical Troy (the forever doomed)?

    Vertical Troy, knowing his luck he would get punched by Dan and somehow get rube goldberg'd into an active wood chipper

    #anon #ask lamp

    2 notes



    warpedlamp Jul 5, 2017

    anonymous asked:

    So Lamp, I know you said you naturally rolled Delta's Epithet, but were you and Jello saying "This roll is going to be for this asshole kid" or did you roll it and go "Well, we can't NOT have this be important for card games."?

    We rolled it specifically for Delta.

    That's the way Jello and I did it for all of the characters in HPC

    #also he didnt start as an asshole #he was just supposed to be a plucky card game protag #then I got my jerk hands all over him #anon #ask lamp

    6 notes



    warpedlamp Sep 13, 2016

    badjokesman-blog1 asked:

    Oi Lamp, who is your favorite anime campaign character so far, just wondering.

    Zora. I like how she's the most grounded of the Apple Corps somehow.

    #badjokesman #ask lamp #anime campaign

    9 notes



    anonymous asked:

    So I just saw Jello's post about characters in the next few installments of Anime Campaign. Are you not playing any characters at all? Are you at least going to be a tile bitch or a chat goblin? I just read the post and was just curious (*whispers* i love you. Have a great week.)

    (Thanks, you too)

    Yeah I'm not going to be a player again (unless I make it to endgame). It's out of fairness really, Jello wants everyone to get about 4 times being involved, with the exception of those whom it'd be impossible to do so with.

    That's not to say I won't be involved though. I'd be more than happy to be a chat goblin. Jello has also said that if I don't make it to endgame I can be tile bitch for him then. Also if my schedule allows for it then I'd love to be cameraman as well.

    Also, between you and me, Majin and myself are both planning on doing our own anime campaign games.

    I trust you can keep it a secret, anon.

    #anon #ask lamp #anime campaign

    12 notes



    warpedlamp Oct 18, 2016

    anonymous asked:

    so like, is the anime campaign a podcast or something y'all do? is there a link?

    Anime campaign is a tabletop game we play that is based around an early build of the "URealms" system. All of our games (Except the very first one) are recorded on my twitch channel. I might be a little biased, but I say they are quality entertainment if you have any love for tabletop games.

    Fair warning, each episode averages around 6-8 hours but each one is better than the last.

    #anon #ask lamp #anime campaign

    20 notes



    warpedlamp Oct 19, 2016

    davrial asked:

    Who's been your favorite character in Anime Campaign so far, out of the ones you played, and why?

    My favorite is probably Delta. He's just so hilariously terrible and his power is so goddamn fun.

    #davrial #ask lamp #anime campaign

    10 notes



    warpedlamp Jun 1, 2017

    anonymous asked:

    i actually have not seen that much of Plaster, really only Quintin in Anime Campaign. do you have anything besides Quintin to show so we can see her shitpostiness?

    She was also a player character in part 5.

    She is also the one making Pizza game

    #anon #ask lamp

    3 notes



    warpedlamp Apr 24, 2020

    anonymous asked:

    Hey so what was the inspiration for Sgt. Colors from that series we can't see again on Twitch until Epithet Erased is over? I assume it was Lt. Surge mixed with something else I'm unaware of?

    It was Lt Surge and Doomguy

    #anon #ask lamp #Anonymous

    10 notes



    anonymous asked:

    Hello, Lamp! A bit of an odd question for a few different reasons, but I was wondering if you had any information you could share on the absolute clusterfuck of a card game that is Pilot Command from Anime Campaign? I'm working on a bit of a project and am digging for any details I can get on the horrible thing. It's perfectly fine if not, much appreciated either way ^^

    Pilot Command follows the same rules as season one yu-gi-oh. Which is to say that there are no rules and blatant cheating is allowed. In fiction Pilot Command had a massive book of rules, but nobody actually bothered to read it, so if you did something and claimed it was a legal move no one would bother to check simply out of the tedium of doing so. Also everyone got a unique card to be their pilot, which as like the deck master from a different season of yu-gi-oh that allowed for a different level of ass pulling and cheating.

    #not much more to it than that #anon #ask lamp



    warpedlamp Sep 3, 2020

    venoctgauntlet asked:

    How was Surprise Round Founded in the first place?

    We were about to start playing Anime Campaign episode O and I said "I want to stream this"

    #that's a slight oversimplification of the story

    #but it's also accurate #ask lamp #venoctgauntlet

    22 notes



    warpedlamp Jun 28, 2016

    davrial asked:

    I've been browsing Jello's tumblr (would send them this ask but they dont have asks on), and I saw a couple posts about an "Anime Campaign Part 2" which was billed as "An Unforgotten Reams game with randomly generated powers." I was wondering: is that as in the URealms Live (formerly Unforgotten Realms Live) of the Unforgotten Realms/URealms fantasy brand by Robert Moran of the Buffalo Wizards, or was that name in regards to something else and that's just a coincidence?

    We are absolutely talking about URealms (Created by Robert Moran). Granted we are playing with the very old bare bones system before any major overhauls.

    We've probably warped the system a fair bit at this point, but that is what we are playing with.

    #davrial #ask lamp

    3 notes



    everythingurealms...ts-deactiva asked:

    Also, are there any (non-spoilery) things about Naven or the Apple Corps officers that you're cool with sharing that you haven't shared already?:0

    jelloapocalypse Sep 24, 2016

    There's still a few spoilery things about Naven and Yoomtah I can't talk about yet that gets covered in Adventures 5 and 7, but I can post some fun trivia stuff about these guys!If you're not caught up with Episode 4 of ANIME CAMPAIGN then you probably shouldn't read these because there are spoilers!


  • Naven is 30. He's actually the oldest member of Team Bad Guy even though you probably wouldn't guess it by looking at him.

  • When he's out and about he can see even with his eyes closed by reading the short-term memory of those around them.

  • Naven and Yoomtah hang out at least once every day.

  • Naven does indeed ride a motorcyle.

  • He hosts IPC classes for free out of the goodness of his heart.

  • ZORA

  • Zora is 27

  • Zora joined Bliss Ocean because she likes fair tests of skill. Epithets give people random powers and throw everything out of whack. That's no fun at all. She thinks hard work and honing talent should determine who wins and who loses.

  • Zora plays Pilot Command. Her Pilot is "Sundowner." He's a 90-year-old sheriff wtih bad memory. She's pretty good at the game and would have entered the tournament had Haboo not distracted her.

  • Zora has no direct underlings in Bliss Ocean.

  • She is a lone agent.

  • Zora and Charles are good friends.

  • I think Zora's epithet is the hardest one to guess in the whole game.

  • MOOT

  • Moot is older than Indus but he's shorter.

  • Like Zora, Moot works alone. Zora is tasked with catching rogue epithet users and criminals Bliss Ocean considers public hazards that should be incarcerated. Moot is tasked with catching and killig rogue epithet users that are too dangerous to keep alive at all.

  • Moot doesn't like or hang out with anyone else in the organization. He just sticks around to keep access to their intel so he can fight more tough epithet users.

  • Moot's voice is based on Yusuke from Girlchan in Paradise. It's not a subtle reference, but in case you missed it, there you go.


  • Yoomtah is a cyborg, not a robot. Her arms, legs, heart, and part of her brain are mechanical, but most of her midsection is still human.

  • Yoomtah is 3rd in command of Bliss Ocean behind Naven and Xerxes.

  • Yoomtah came up with the idea for Toilet Apples Inc.

  • She and Xerxes hate each others guts but Naven considers the two of them his best friends, so they end up hanging out a lot anyways.

  • She doesn't sleep, but wishes she could.

  • She is the only person Naven will willingly open his eyes around.

  • Yoomtah also recieved a pilot the players didn't see: "Circuit Breaker". It's a tiny toy car that has broken out of its race track.

  • This is a special card that allows players to break one rule openly per game.


  • Charles is actually pretty young. She's only 22.

  • This is what Charles sounds like. She is the only Apple Corps Officer that started as a grunt and was promoted to that position based on skill. Zora and Moot were hand selected and Yoomtah was a founding member.

  • Naven has rearranged her memories so Charles sees him as a woman. It's... it's just easier that way.

  • Charles and Zora are gal pals and they actually hang out pretty frequently. At first Zora thought she was a huge bitch before she realized that Charles doesn't speak in that constantly-lilted tone on purpose, it's just the way she talks. Zora highly respects her combat skills. Charles considers Zora her best friend.

  • Charles has the second-highest epithet in the game at 250 proficiency.

  • Charles is actually incredibly talented. She created the fake tabloid she pretended to be working for in Adventure 4 from scratch within one week after she was assigned the mission and coded its web page just in case anyone looked it up.

  • She's an especially good writer and spends a lot of her free time writing fanfiction. She's infamous in online circles for her chapters and chapters excellent prose that suddenly turns god-awful any time romance is involved.

  • Charles' failure in Adventure 4 was the first time she ever failed a mission. Due to her failure and how mean everyone was to her considers that day the worst day of her life.

  • Charles is based on an NPC from Pokemon Black/White. She's supposed to be a gender-swapped version of characters like Brock from Pokemon who flirt with everyone and never get any positive response, but taken to the extreme

  • #queuelacabra #anime campaign

    88 notes



    zestyzelda-deactivated20190110 asked:

    HEEEY.... can we get a roughhouse family tree? and How exactly is Giovani related? is potage a totally fake name?

    spectral-fusion Jan 23, 2017

    Posted this to twitter ages ago but probably shoulda put it here too. Potage is his realass name.

    jelloapocalypse Jan 23, 2017

    Siv I think you need to update this

    #Anime Campaign #Dixon Roughhouse #Xerxes Roughhouse #Moxie Roughhouse


    Left Side

    Great Great Grandpa Stu Potage

    Uncle Fettuccini←→Abramo Potage←xDivorcedx→Rhonda Roughhouse

    Giovanni Potage (19) Epithet:Soup

    Right Side

    Rohonda Roughhouse←→Ignatius "Iggy" Roughhouse←♡→Isabella "Izzy" Roughhouse

    Xerxes Roughhouse (30)

    Dixon Roughhouse (27)

    Roxanne Roughhouse (22) Epithet:???

    Moxie Roughhouse (17) Epithet:Bat

    Rex Roughhouse (12)←Twins→Bellatrix Roughhouse (12)

    It was really hard to format this transcription with pure text, sorry if parts are unclear.



    jelloapocalypse Sep 27, 2016

    everythingurealms...ts-deactiva asked:

    Hi again Jello! I'm currently trying to flesh out some characters for my own Anime Campaign story, and while the backstory is probably very different from yours, one of my characters is Desert Race and another is Ocean Race, which I have suddenly realized I know little to nothing about. If you wouldn't mind a Lore Dump, I'd love to know more about these two races! :3

    There's not too much lore because I made up DESERT RACE on the spot and "Ocean Race" as a follow-up, but I can try!Desert Race people come from Desert Country! It's a big country in the desert! People who are Desert Race have dark skin and white hair. Indus, Moot, and Ryatt are Desert Race. I imagine their culture used to be fairly nomadic but has modernized very quickly in the recent decades. Moot and Indus come from a small monastary in the desert that follows more traditional customs. Ryatt probably came from a Las Vegas-esque city that's much more modernized. The Lochdown is in Desert Country.Ocean Race people have dark skin and wildly colored hair that resembles a poisonous fish. They wear bright colors. In my mind Ocean Race society is very isolationist, so it is very rare to see someone with Ocean Race blood visiting the surface. Ocean Race is situated deep underwater in domed cities. Ocean Race people cannot breathe underwater, but they wear high-tech SCUBA gear that basically lets them do it anyways. I imagine the Ocean Race was originally founded by dark wizards or some kind of fish occultists who wanted a safe place to practice their magic that figured "Hey, I bet no one will bother us at the bottom of the ocean!"I imagine Anime Campaign's world is shaped like a giant horseshoe with the opening on the bottom. In the middle of the horeshoe is Australia, which still exists inexplicably, except the people there are mousey and have whiskers. Ocean Country is directly south of Australia and Australia is their only major trade partner.

    I haven't checked with Jay on any of this, so it might contradict some things he's come up with for Rick!

    #Anime Campaign #Rick Shades #Ryatt #Indus #Moot

    74 notes



    jelloapocalypse Oct 2, 2016

    Q: Do your co-GMs know people's epithets, PC or NPC? If so, how does that impact them playing normally in the future? Like, I;m assuming Will knows Zora's epithet, so when or if she and Ramsey meet, isn't that kind of a problem?

    A: Generally yes, they do, if it's a possibility it'll be guessed, so Will knew Zora's and Lamp knew Charles', but Roob did not know Naven's. The general rule is that Co-GMs can't guess Epithets they know already and that they shouldn't tell anyone.

    Submitted by gnurt

    #Anime Campaign #submission

    8 notes



    ballastmcgee asked:

    So I'm assuming jOe is never being an Easter Egg NPC in Anime Campaign is he? I'm just asking because I rolled an epithet/mundie word set and got these three gems together. "Creep" "Desire" and (my personal favorite) "Messiah".If he did his Character sheet's class would obviously be Poly SciMage. And here's a stupid ability I came up With: "Do Welcome to Steam" (3) jOe distracts target for a turn by rambling about Steam. All their actions for the next turn get a -2 roll buff.

    Joe was actually sitting right in the middle of Deathcon during Horizontal Pilot Command. He was a stockbroker that none of the players interacted with and the joke was that in this universe he was a hypercompetent financier but he had accidentally booked the wrong convention and all of the weebs and nerds had no idea what stocks were so he was just sitting there fuming.

    #Anime Campaign #Joe #Fun Facts #Jello Questions



    jelloapocalypse Feb 4, 2017

    rennnnnnn asked:

    How big do you usually make your maps in Roll20? Need some references for making my own.

  • Pick your music out before starting your map building. Listening to the music on loop helps you give the map the right vibe.
  • Put down a character icon to give you a sense of scale.
  • Outline your maps in the GM layer with the draw polygon shape tool.
  • Fill in with floor tiles.
  • Start searching for random objects that you think you might need and throw them down willy-nilly on the map layer to make the map look more started, that generally motivates me to work on it more.
  • Work room by room and do your best to figure out R20's weird search engine. You can only search in one-word increments now, so if something doesn't work try synonyms and related words. Lab might not get you anything so try Hospital, Electric, Machine, Wire, Bed, Medicine, Doctor, etc.
  • Be okay with substituting things for other things.
  • Realize you can tint objects in their settings to make them look different and sometimes match the room better. (Warning: Doing this a lot causes the map to load slower)
  • If you have a picture-editing program I suggest making a shadow gradient you can put against walls and objects so it looks like they're elevated. You can do wonders to map comprehension just by adding some depth.
  • Add realistic clutter to the maps. I find this is what makes maps look the most realistic and fun. Throw personal items on tables, really think about the space and who would occupy it and what they would leave where. This gives players lots of things to play with.
  • Have a general outline of the path the players could and should take, but reward exploration by hiding little goodies in secret areas. Don't make them TOO secret though.
  • #Anime Campaign #Jello Questions

    165 notes



    jelloapocalypse Mar 20, 2017

    Q: Hey Jello! I'm writing a campaign for a few friends using your format, and I was wondering: when you develop story-relevant npcs, do you randomly generate their epithets as well? Or do you create characters with specific epithets to fit whatever story you're writing? Thanks in advance!

    A: All of the main NPCs including bosses have predetermined epithets generated because I had fun ideas for their powers I wanted to implement. The only time we throw random epithets in the mix is for minor encounters like NIGHT TERROR in episode four.

    Submitted by classyartichoke

    #Anime Campaign #Jello Questions #submission

    26 notes



    chulacabra Sep 15, 2016

    badjokesman-blog1 asked:

    Ay Chula, who is your favorite character in Anime Campaign?


    Honorable mentions: Percy, Howie, Rick, Giovanni, Sierra, Dan. I have a strong feeling that I'm going to love Trixie though.

    #anime campaign #badjokesman #this is an ask tag

    10 notes