Ronnie Clay

Ronnie Clay

Name Ronnie Clay
Affiliation The Bogeymen
Chapter DryBones MC
Birth date 1933
Death date 1969
Age 36
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Gay man
Nationality American
Voice Claim Ramsey Murdoch - Epithet Erased
Fun Facts
Favourite Colour Gold
Zodiac Gemini
Likes •Motorbikes •Gemology •Lapidary arts
Dislikes •Anxiety •Judgemental people •Gem gore

Persona: Cool and suave, always ready to make a faustian bargain.

Nature: Wannabe loser trying way too hard and ditching when he gets embarrassed.

Ronnie Clay is the most connected person in the Beyond, and he isn't afraid to use those connections to his advantage, always knowing someone who knows someone who can get you what you want. More than anything though he wants to be a shoulder to lean on for others, but when things get tough he doesn't expect people to pay the same courtesy back. So he runs away, earning himself a reputation for being flakey and unreliable.


Having run away from an abusive home as a teen, Ronnie quickly turned to street level scams to survive. He started small at first, cup games and fake watches, but when he swindled a gang member he was forced to work in one of their bars to make up the debt, this actually suited him however providing him a more stable income, a way to get to know people, and a platform through which he would start fencing stole items as a side hustle. When his debt was payed he was allowed to become a member of the club, having impressed some of the older men there with his scrappyness, and quickly began trying to work his way up.

He was killed when a rival gang attacked the bar he worked at. Despite all their bravado and promises that the gang stuck together, his comrades left him to die in the burning building, running away with their tail between their legs.

