Hades isn't the biggest spire in the Beyond nor the most populated, but it is the one our story focuses on. Like all spires it's built in layers, 4 to be exact.

City Sectors
Its the slums of the city, full of refugees and unfortunate newbies who had nowhere else to go, it's considered a neutral zone by the city's gangs because the population is always changing and thus is hard to get a grip on. But rest assured all types of dogey shit still happens here.
It used to be one of the more accessible areas of the city, and the docks where the sailors move usually still are, but deeper into the residential areas the old works are decaying. Theres been petions from residents to get them maintained, but the government can't see the use in wasting money on a sector that will be underwater soon enough so enterprising citzens have been trying to step up in their stead.
"An old house, teetering on wooden stilts just above the acid sea."

It eas initially a very working class neighbourhood, but was gentrified by the rich and powerful goverment types who wanted to live in the opulent gothic homes, as a result it has alot of conflict with dock natives who were pushed down there by this action.
Accessibility here has been improving rapidly since the Rose Corsair and his Ferrymen moved in. Sailing the acid sea is dangerous work and so the Ferrymen have the highest rates of amputation of any job in the Beyond, it makes sense that their leader would take care to ensure his crew is well looked after.
This district revolves around its entertainment industry, one side of town consists of nothing but casinos, bars, and strip clubs, the other side is housing for the people who work at the casinos, bars, and strip clubs. This is The Alighieri Syndicate's home base, all made men in Hades pay tithes to Canary Row. The less criminally involved population aren't very happy about this, but don't voice this opinion out of fear of the Syndicate's power.
It hasn't quite found its footing and identity yet and so is often overlooked by those in charge, the resentment of the lower level refugees caused by its falling on them don't help this lack of oversight. As such The Bogeymen have been able to gain power within the population, being seen as home town heros who provide some sembalance of order when the outside will not.
There's not much that can be done about how the city is laid out, you can't control where buildings fall but you can control how you work around them. Because Antville is new its still a bit behind in accessibility both to disabled and able-bodied people, but the work has already started on smoothing out streets and putting up trams and elevators so it's getting better bit by bit.