Welcome to the Graveyard!

My silly little personal site

Welcome to my page weary traveller! This is mostly just a personal site, an excuse to be messy and imperfect like the grand old Geocities of yore, but you'll find plenty of intresting stuff here. Namely I've been using this site to post some of my digital art, as well as as a jumping off point for a growing number of Shrines dedicated to cateloging some things I like, and of course creating a wiki for my ocs so I have all their imformation conviently in one place. I do some other things of course, blog posting, making stamps and blinkies, ect, but those are the main things that get my attention. Whatever you choose to look into here I hope you enjoy your stay!

About the Webmaster!

Hiya! I'm Kait (also known online as A Cold Ghostly Presence), a 21 year old Graphic Design student and fan-artist currently fixated on Epithet Erased and especially its source material Anime Campaign, though my more long term intrests have been Gothic Lit and FNAF.

Though I have worked in the graphic design industry before my speciallitiy has always leaned more towards the illustrative aspects of it rather than web design like I've notice many job listings tagged as graphic design are actually about. I don't think this silly little personal site will do much to bridge that gap (nor do I think I really want it too) but I'm having fun anyway dicking around with HTML and posting my art here! Just don't expect great things is what I'm saying lol.

Click here for my Neocities profile

Heads up for spelling mistakes ahead!

I'm deeply dsylexic and theres only so much autocorrect can do to help.

My Likes:

My Favourite Shows

  • Epithet Erased
  • Anime Campaign
  • Dungeon Meshi
  • My Favourite Webcomics
  • The glass scientists
  • Hoof fellas
  • Sleepless domain
  • Kiwi Blitz
  • Law of Talos
  • The property of hate
  • My Favourite Books
  • The Invisible man
  • The strange case of Jekyll and Hyde
  • The time machine
  • The time ships
  • Tales from the gas station
  • My Favourite Games
  • Five Nights at Freddy's
  • Identity V
  • Don't starve
  • Cookie run
  • The Sims

  • Site Log ...

    30.09.24 - Became a Supporter! Added links to download Slimeji on the mainsite as wells as the relevant shrines.

    29.09.24 - Massively overhauled my gallery page to be easier to navigate and just generally look more appealing.

    29.08.24 - Added a sitemap, updated links across the site, updated gallery.

    14.09.24 - I once again overhauled the layout of this site, adding more custom art to give it a more unique apperance. I also added this site log.

    16.03.24 - I came back to this site after a long break and upgraded it massivly, this is when I consider this site to have truely started, it was following this that I started adding to the site regularly. Most pages on this site were added shortly after.

    Jul 8, 2022 - This site was orignally created, it used to have a blue colour scheme cus I thought that looked spooky.

    Plans ...

    Figure out whats going on with the duplicate oc wiki page.

    Add togglable fonts, including open dyslexic.

    Display old layouts.

    Add alt text to images.

    Finish Ambrose Bennet's wiki page.

    Add relationships to existing A+B wiki pages.

    Add the Bogeymen to the wiki.

    Add to the web goodies section.

    Make a blog post about literally anything.

    Help Wanted!

    Recently the folder for my oc wiki has inexplicably duplicated itself, now if I try to upload a file to the original folder it automatically transefers to the imposter folder and any attempt to edit existing files instead create just a broken duplicate in there instead of updating the file I'm actually editing.

    I have no idea whats doing this but it means all the pages in the orignal folder are esentially frozen and can no longer be changed in anyway. I can't tell if this is something I'm doing wrong or an issue on Neocities end but my searches for a fix have brought up nothing so I'm putting it up to you internet stranger! If you have any idea whats going on here please drop me a line in my guestbook if you can, thank you.

    Web Goodies

    From all over the net!




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